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After Him: An Enemies-To-Lovers Romance (Virgin Island Series Book 1) Page 2

  Smiling down at the young girl, she said in greeting, “Hello, what’s your name? Those are beautiful flowers you have there. Can I buy one from you?”

  Nodding her curly dark head, the girl smiled shyly back. “My name is Rashumba, miss. An’ dis is my favorite flower. Da Plumeria.”

  Charmed by the lilting sound of the Caribbean in the girl’s voice, Carm reached for the deep red flower. “It’s beautiful Rashumba. Thank you.” Handing the girl some money, Carm laughed at the surprised look on her face. “I want you to keep it all. It is such a beautiful flower, after all.”

  Dark brown eyes stared wide-eyed at her shimmering with excitement. “Really? It’s all mine?”

  She nodded, “It is all yours, truly. Buy something pretty with it.”

  The girl gripped the money tight in her little fist and smiled brilliantly, her dark face alight with happiness. “Tank ya, miss. And welcome to da Caribbean.”

  “Thank you, Rashumba!” Carm called to the back of the quickly disappearing girl. Lifting the large flower to her nose, she inhaled the rich scent. Heady aroma enveloped her senses, surrounding her in a haze of sultry exoticness.

  Catching sight of a taxi, she quickly tucked the flower behind her ear, picked up her bags and hurried toward it. Jostling her shoulder bag, Carm made her way to the parked car. “Pardon me? Hi, can you take me to my hotel?”

  The driver opened his door and stepped out, instantly lifting her lips into a grin with his tropical shirt and white pant apparel. Everything appeared so bright and sunny on Tortola, even the local clothing.

  She was amazed at the lush foliage surrounding her and enchanting clear turquoise water. She’d never seen such abundance of greenery in her life. Tortola was a far cry from her home in the hot, dry high climate of Colorado, that’s for sure.

  Smiling at the taxi driver as he took her luggage and placed it in the trunk, Carm remarked, “It is beautiful here. I’m in love already and I haven’t left the airport.”

  The man nodded his head and displayed a set of strong white teeth against his deep brown skin with an engaging smile. “Ah, dat it is, miss. She’s a magical place, she is. Da only place on earth worth livin’ if ya ask me now. Could be ya come ta agree with me soon, no? Ya might not leave. Da island might not be da only ting ya fall in love.”

  Good God, let’s hope not. To fall in love with some dumb man is the last thing I need right now.

  Shaking her head, Carm slipped past the door he held open for her and slid across the bench seat. “I sincerely doubt it, but thanks anyway. Love is not on my agenda of things to do on this visit.”

  “A shame dat is. Might be it finds ya anyway. Where ya be staying at now on your visit?”

  Carm watched in silence as the driver climbed behind the wheel, the bright print of his shirt momentarily distracting her. It really was stunning. All bright aquas, pinks, purples and greens. She felt an overwhelming urge while staring at it to break out singing “Kokomo.” In fact, she swore she could actually hear the old Beach Boys band singing.

  She startled when the driver twisted in his seat to look back at her. Appalled to realize she’d been humming the tune out loud, Carm cleared her throat and sat back against the warm seat. “Sorry. I’m staying at the Green Island Inn.”

  “Ah, dat be a good place ta stay now. Close to da beach.”

  The car started to move and slipped easily into the flow of light traffic leaving the airport. Shifting her gaze out the window, Carm delighted in the rich landscape they drove past. She’d always had a real fondness for plants, especially tropical ones. In fact, she currently had a rather large banana plant residing in her living room. It hadn’t produced fruit as of yet, but she was still hopeful.

  A woman walking along side the road caught her attention as they drove past. She wore a colorful sarong that tied on one shoulder and leather sandals that wrapped around her ankles. Again, Carm noticed the beautiful, vibrant print of her dress. With all the sunshine, foliage, and rich color, she just knew that the people of Tortola must be happy people. Who wouldn’t be with all that positive energy surrounding them?

  The taxi slowed at the edge of town. Leaning to the side to see around the driver she felt a small jolt of anticipation and excitement as she caught sight of the sun-washed buildings and clay roofs. Maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea her sister’d had after all. A few days in a place like this couldn’t hurt.

  Up ahead, Carm saw the sign to her hotel. Smoothing her palms down the length of her thighs, she grinned and waited. They slowed and pulled into the drive and she laughed aloud. “Oh, it’s perfect.”

  The driver braked in front of the large double doors under a pink and white striped awning. She opened the door as soon as they came to a stop. She couldn’t wait to see the rest of the building. Kate had failed to mention that the hotel she’d booked was actually a grand old mansion.

  Pale yellow with white window boxes overflowing with flowers, red tiled roof and a wide front porch, the mansion stood warm and welcoming. Hanging baskets overflowing with purple petunias dangled from the front porch in invitation. Suddenly, she had to get inside and see her room.

  Reaching for her purse to pay the tab, Carm asked, “Where do you recommend I eat dinner? Something like a nice little café with local atmosphere would be great.”

  The man pocketed the money and handed Carm her luggage. Pointing his finger down the road on the beach side, the man chuckled. “On a Friday night? Der is only one place ta be. Big Bubba’s. Best seafood and live music on da whole island.”

  “Great. Thank you.”

  “No problem. Enjoy your stay.” The man climbed back in his car and sped out of the parking lot.

  Carm picked up her luggage and headed for the front door. The joy that she felt at the moment lifted her heart and almost convinced her that all her worry about the meeting might be for naught. Good vibes radiated from the island.

  Everything had to work out for her because of that, right?


  Carm’s feeling of joy grew further as she stepped inside her room and looked around. Bright light filtered through sheer curtains and fell across a large flower print bedspread to the bleached wood floor. A white wicker headboard matched the dresser and bedside table giving the room an airy feel. Noting a small TV armoire tucked back in a corner, Carm walked to it and sat her shoulder bag on top. “Like I’m going to be watching television while I’m here.”

  Kicking off her white sandals, she wiggled her pink painted toes in relief and groaned. Closing her eyes for a moment, Carm breathed deep and mentally relaxed. Such a grueling past two days it had been.

  Thank goodness she didn’t have the dreaded meeting until tomorrow because she desperately needed one night of calm and relaxation. If she expected to be able to convince Mr. William Stokes to keep the existing agreement with her sister then she needed to be in top form.

  Opening her eyes, she walked to the open window across the cool wood floors and pulled back the curtains. She smiled in delight at the patch of thick grass and trees below. A hammock hung strung between two palm trees in the shade near a pink flowering bush. A large, overfed gray cat lay curled up asleep in the middle of the hammock, taking advantage of the peaceful resting spot.

  Leaning further out the window, Carm spotted the barest glimpse of the ocean to her left. Though her room faced the side of the mansion without a good view of the water, she loved the side garden and sleeping furball. She was amazed really that Kate had rented such a nice room in the first place.

  Thinking of Kate, Carm inhaled one last breath of balmy salt air and backed away from the window. Before she called Kate, she desperately wanted a shower to wash off the day’s traveling grime. Instead, she sat on the edge of the bed and flopped back.

  She needed to be horizontal for a few minutes.

  At five feet ten inches, Carm had a lot of body to fold into those tiny airline seats. After having her knees practically at her chin all day her body begged for a nice s
tretch to sooth and unwind bunched muscles. Some yoga stretches would work well, but she wanted to do nothing more than lay back and relax for the time being.

  Closing her eyes and stretching her bare arms overhead, Carm yawned. The long day was quickly catching up with her, making her mind feel slow and fuzzy.

  Sinking further into relaxation, she put her arms down and listened to the sound of birds chirping and water lapping in the distance. So tranquil and calm, it sounded far better than the sound machine she listened to at night back home.

  Floating softly on the wave of fatigue, Carm’s tired mind slowly registered a voice outside. A deep male voice with a hint of local accent. Not full blown like the few others she had heard, but subtle, with a hint of something else. She couldn’t make out the words, but the low pitch and cadence of the voice sounded as soothing to her as the ocean waves.

  The voice continued below her second floor window. She smiled slightly as she realized whoever was out there must be having a conversation with the lazy, fat gray cat in the hammock. Most likely he was trying to convince it to give it up so he could take up residence.

  The man laughed low and sexy, the kind that rumbled deep in a man’s chest. Feeling her stomach clench in response to the sensual sound, Carm jerked awake. Eyes open wide, she stared at the white painted tin ceiling. She must have been further asleep than she had realized to have such a response to a lone male voice.

  She sat up, curiosity to see the face of the man that belonged to the voice overriding her need for a quick nap. Wiping her palms on the thighs of her fuschia linen pants, she stood up and strode to the window.

  Looking out, Carm felt disappointed to find the area empty. The cat still lay curled up in the hammock, but his attention seemed to be caught on something around the corner at the front of the house. Gray—that’s what she dubbed the kitty—meowed and stretched one large paw out in front of it.

  Leaning further out the window, Carm still couldn’t see where the man had gone. A bit let down, she was about to go back inside when she heard the voice again.

  “You want some of this, don’t you Noomba? Oui? It’s your lucky day, man.”

  So that’s what the mixture of accent was. French and Caribbean and a hint of American. Very exotic.

  Very, very sexy.

  She mentally willed the man into view. A man with that great a voice had to be gorgeous. No way would nature be cruel enough to give a homely man that kind of voice.

  Running her hands through her loose hair, Carm held it in a ponytail at the base of her neck with one hand and waited.

  Come on guy. Just one little peak, that’s all. Just enough to see if the rest of you matches that voice.

  “I’m coming, I’m in a bit of a pickle and don’t want to drop this gourmet food of yours. Merde. Got my pants caught in the rosebush. Ok, I’m loose.”

  Carm felt her pulse speed up at those words. Come on, come on.

  Movement came from the front of the house and Carm melted back, having no wish to be seen hanging halfway out a second floor window with her large breasts on display. They stood out well enough on their own. She certainly didn’t need to help them along.

  The man finally came into view around the corner and she felt a flush of heat creep up her face and her heart lurch deep in her chest. Cold, tingling prickles of awareness broke out at the back of her neck.

  Curly, medium brown hair with blonde streaks hid the man’s face from view, but the rest of him resided in plain sight. And from what she saw made her mouth water.

  The man was gorgeous. Drool-worthy gorgeous.

  Tall and lean, he wore only a light button-up cotton shirt in pale lavender, and lightweight cream trousers rolled up at the hem. The shirt was unbuttoned almost halfway down his chest, giving her a fantastic view of his sculpted muscles from her vantage point. Beautifully smooth and tan. It made her palms itch to touch the sun-kissed flesh.

  The man had the most gorgeous skin tone she’d ever seen. Deeply golden, his skin looked fantastic against the cool lavender of his shirt. Even his calves exposed by the rolled cuffs and his bare feet were tan and sexy.

  By the look of his curly hair and dark tan, the man had a hint of Islander in him. In Carm’s mind it only added to his appeal, making him more exotic and gorgeous than his voice already had. If that was possible. His voice was the stuff dreams were made of, and not the innocent, sweet ones either. More like the hot, sweaty and naked type.

  Not that she had ever been hot, sweaty, and naked with a man before, but hearing that sexy accent practically burned naughty images in her mind. Adding the body she currently gazed at out the window to his voice, and voila! It was a recipe for one hunky, luscious concoction. Definitely worthy of steamy dreams.

  Wanting to spy on the man further, Carm leaned slowly back out the window and looked down. He was still there, but now he sat swinging companionably with the cat in the hammock. The way he sat with his feet dangling, toes touching the ground, slowly rocking them both back and forth made her insides melt. Every move the man made was sensual. From his strong, long fingered hand that rhythmically stroked Gray’s fur to his tanned toes pushing into the green grass.

  Carm caught herself fanning her face with her hand and laughed silently at herself. Just because she was still a virgin at twenty-four certainly didn’t mean she was immune to a potently sexual male. And it most certainly didn’t mean she was naïve or completely inexperienced.

  She was definitely experienced enough to start a hot little fantasy about those dark hands stroking a certain part of her body. She just bet he could make her purr too.

  Below, Mr. Gorgeous shifted positions, exposing more of his tanned chest to Carm’s view. From up above she could clearly see the hard planes of his flat stomach and deep curve of his pecs. She could also make out a slight bulge in the vee of his trousers that made her face heat further and her breath hitch in her throat.

  Is it hot in here? I think it’s hot in here. Need a fan. No, a bucket of ice. Yeah, ice. Whew-boy.

  Reluctantly Carm dragged her gaze back up his lean torso to his broad shoulders and up to his curly hair. Darned if he didn’t still hold his face from her view by looking down at Gray. Carm was dying to see his face. She knew, absolutely knew, that he would have a face to match the voice and body.

  Probably has gorgeous lashes framing bedroom eyes. Something equally irresistible like that.

  It appeared that for now she’d have to settle for studying his hair. It looked springy and thick the way it curled wildly around his head down to his collar. Carm imagined it would probably be pretty long wet and combed out straight, but dry it curled in a soft frame around his head. The ends bent into an almost solid blond ring that contrasted with the medium brown of the rest of it. Carm wondered if it felt soft and silky or coarse. She hoped it was soft.

  I have never been so obsessed with a man’s hair before. In fact, I don’t know that I’ve ever been that obsessed with my own hair. Ok, that’s a lie. I obsess over my straight strands daily.

  Focused intently on Sexy Man’s hair, Carm startled when he moved. Gasping softly, she shrunk back from the window as he stood up and strode to the front porch. Heck, even the man’s walk was sexy. All confident and loose.

  Retrieving Gray’s dinner, he turned around and swaggered back. Carm almost swallowed her tongue when he bent over to place the plate of fish on the ground and flashed his backside. Touching the back of her hand to her forehead Carm feigned a silent swoon at the sight of his gorgeous derrière displayed for her viewing pleasure.

  Gray stood in the hammock, stretched lazily and yawned big. As if he was used to the royal treatment, the cat took its time hopping down from the hammock and sauntered over to rub against Sex God’s bare legs before sniffing delicately at the fish.

  “Spoiled, aren’t you, Noomba? Get fed a little too well around here, oui? Oh well, I like to pamper my girls.”

  I like the sound of that. You can pamper me anytime, gorgeous.

nbsp; Dream man gave the cat one last pet and stood up. “See you around Noomba. Enjoy the tuna.”

  He says “da” instead of “the”. Sigh.

  Carm felt strangely bereft as she watched him walk to the front of the inn and out of sight. Staring after him for a moment, she frowned then turned her gaze to Gray. The cat was currently picking very delicately at the fish.

  “Lucky cat. Got that man at her beck-and-call.”

  A bit saddened by the loss of her visual feast, Carm turned from the window and headed over to the bathroom to take that shower. Only now the shower wasn’t to wash away the day’s grime, it was to cool her overheated libido.

  Stripping down, she turned on the water and climbed inside the tiny shower stall while the water was still chilly. Letting the water cool her warm skin, Carm chuckled at her behavior.

  It was true that the last thing she needed was to fall in love on this little trip. But, she’d never said a word about an affair. Not that she’d ever had an affair, but whew-boy! She might just have to consider it if she ever ran into cutest-rear-in-the-world guy again.

  Big Bubba’s was a sight to behold. Carm couldn’t take it all in fast enough as she made her way to an empty table at the front of the club. The din of laughter and voices nearly made her ears ring.

  Carm had never seen so many people packed into one place before. They were all crammed together like sardines in a can. One would think that it was the only place in town to get a good drink and something to eat on a Friday night.

  Pushing her way past a young couple busy in locking lips, she sighed in relief as she sat down at the small wooden table by the stage. Getting to it had been a feat all its own. She’d had to elbow and push against the crush to land the last available table in the joint.